interface LastSelectable
A parent element marked as LastSelectable will cache the last selected element when a popup or other overlay is rendered, and return to that selection when the popup/overlay is removed.
0.2.0, added resetHover 0.6.0
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.screen.LastSelectable
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.screen.widget.LayoutWidget
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.screen.widget.PopupWidget
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.screen.widget.custom.CustomButtonWidget
import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Element
import net.minecraft.client.gui.ParentElement
import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.TextWidget
import net.minecraft.text.Text
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier
fun main() {
//simple stub example of a LastSelectable, passing its focused element back and forth with its lastSelected cache
abstract class ExampleLastSelectable: ParentElement, LastSelectable {
override var lastSelected: Element? = null
override fun pushLast() {
lastSelected = focused
override fun popLast() {
focused = lastSelected
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Indicates that the overlay has been removed and the parent should return focus to the cached element, if any, in lastSelected
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Indicates to the parent element to cache it's current focused element. The current focused element should be stored in lastSelected
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When called the parent element should reselect a hovered element based on the supplied mouse positions, if it tracks such things